Medeber Teatro is pleased to invite you to the public presentation of the first stage of the Dia-logos project, created with students from the Poiesis theatre, movement and poetry workshop as part of the European Crossroads Creative Europe project. This year, the group has been exploring creative possibilities based on the text ‘Dialoghi con Leucò’ by Cesare Paves. In particular, so far we have worked on the dialogues “I ciechi” and “Schiuma d’onda”. Using the dynamics of the dialogue as a starting point, the group has created a collective work in which the initial texts have been used to fuel reflections on the themes addressed in the two texts, in relation to the feelings and imaginations of the workshop participants. The creative process aims to deconstruct the original texts and reassemble dramaturgies fed by other texts, images, sounds and all sorts of imaginative inputs. The first result we hope to share with the audience is a sequence of poetic landscapes and atmospheres, in which Pavese’s words weave links with the cultural references and imaginations of each author. The show is multilingual and very oneiric, so that everyone can abandon themselves in their own way to the images and words that have inhabited our group work over the last six months. Because of the relevance and importance of the topics covered and the creative methodology proposed by Medeber, we will return to work on this project in September, culminating in a final performance for the end of November 2023, as part of the final event of the Creative Europe project. |