Mercurio Festival 2023- Crossroads went to Palermo.

In September, the partners involved in Crossroads took part in the Mercurio Festival in Palermo thanks to the engagement of our Italian Partner Babel Crew with Progetto Amuni. SPAZIO FRANCO, a multidisciplinary space for creation and artistic production inside Cantieri Culturali alla Zisa hosted the festival and also the performances of some of our partners, offering at the same time the possibility to display videos and documentary material of those partners who could not attend the project with some of their participants.

It was a new occasion to grow up as a Consortium and as an individual, to show to a wider audience why it is so important for a European project to allow participants to get together and stand as a group, why it’s so important when we speak about inclusion to give all participants, locals and migrants and refugees the same possibilities of freedom of moving, why it is important to get to know the other participants of the local national workshops in real, to share in few days the idea of being one big community.

Palermo offered also a space for discussion for the next steps and we are working on new opportunities for cooperation in the future.